No-Bake Cheesecake with Fruit Sauce

Imagine a warm summer day.

You just finished lunch and you are desperately craving a fresh and delicious dessert.

You open your fridge and you find this inside:

no-bake cheesecake7

Are you happy or what??

Well, you should be, because this no-bake cheesecake is creamy, fresh, sweet, but with a nice lemon kick and super-delicious!

And it is not difficult to make!

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Brown Butter Dark/White Chocolate Chunk Cookies

The cookie monsters are back!

And this is very true, considering the time a batch of cookies lasted in our home: 3 days. 2 people.

Testament to how awesome they were!


This was the first time I tried browning the butter. I was always thinking that it cannot make such a big difference. Boy, was I wrong!

It definitely makes a difference! The taste and smell are incredible!


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Upside-Down Apple Cake

To cut a long story short, there is a really good reason why I stopped posting recipes and why I stopped visiting all my favorite food blogs.

This really good reason made me feel nauseous for 5 full months, turning all the previously drool-worthy photos to a nightmare. When I was cooking it would be something bland and “hospital-like”, I could not see any photo of fish/seafood or any heavy-looking dish, and sadly I could not even bake a dessert.

So, yes, I am pregnant and, obviously, now that my nausea is gone my excitement has doubled. 😀

I am not going to say anything else about it, I will not bore you with details, this blog (as I once told my friend Camilla) will NOT become baby- or pregnancy-oriented.

Moving on to the recipe then! Drums of suspense… A cake!

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This is a delicious upside-down apple cake, with a delicious taste of cinnamon and a soft cake part!

It is also ridiculously easy to prepare!

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A tiny “Hello there”

This is a short post to state the following:

1. I am sure that your life was not the least affected by my lack of posting all these months, but still I felt the need to say that I am still here.

2. More explanations and an actual recipe post (that’s right) will follow later today.

3. In the meantime, here is a song that has me obsessed these days, and has magical powers over my mood:

Have a nice day!