About Villy

Hello and welcome!

My name is Villy (short for Vasiliki) and I am a Greek 33-year old girl (woman? anyway) living and working in Barcelona, Spain.

I started this blog mainly for 2 reasons: 1) I love cooking and sharing the results, and 2) I decided it’s time for me to start archiving the recipes somewhere I can easily look them up, instead of writing them on tissue papers, bills, any piece of irrelevant paper that happens to be lying around, or calling up my mother every other day.

I’ve never had cooking classes or any formal training, but I’ve always enjoyed cooking and baking for others. Ever since I can remember I was standing next to my mother in the kitchen, not only helping her, but also listening to her more than useful cooking comments/tricks and trying hard to record everything in my mind. I was actually around 13-14 when I first cooked all alone: Roast chicken with potatoes in the oven. It was delicious and still is one of my favorite dishes!

My job, the one that actually brings money in the house, is lab scientist. Yes, I am a biologist, with a Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences, thank you very much! In fact, my lab colleagues have enjoyed (or so they say :)) plenty of dishes and desserts prepared by me through the years. I thoroughly get a thrill out of feeding people. Certainly, I’m happy to taste the things I cook, but my motivation doubles or triples when I know I’ll be cooking for others. I guess this has to do with my Greek genes and the “obsession” we have to feed, feed, feed!

My dream is to one day be able to open a small place, where students, people far from home, people living on their own or anyone that feels like homemade food, can come and enjoy a hearty meal cooked with care. And maybe they’ll feel this comfort that good traditional food can offer. Or closer to home.

Last but not least, my biggest motivation, and my favorite person in the whole world to feed, is my husband Panagiotis. I’m married to my best friend. Lucky me. 🙂

So, that’s pretty much all! I hope you’ll enjoy this blog and return to it again and again. I’d love to read your comments!

Have a nice day!

26 thoughts on “About Villy

    1. Villy Post author

      You should say: First! Tomorrow I’ll press my first “publish”. I’ll communicate it through Facebook. 🙂
      Thanks love!

  1. stephanphan

    Very cooool! Looking forward to many inspiring recipes! And thanks for including me in your ‘creativ friends’-list 😉
    Good luck with the new enterprise (and with realizing your dream one day … we’ll be your customers for sure)!

  2. idoya

    This is soooo great!! I will follow you very closely.
    I can now put you on pinterest so people can see your great recipes!!

    good luck dear!!


  3. courtneylaurel

    I’m so happy to have stumbled across you here! I share your addiction to feeding people. I just have to. It makes me happy. Anyway, I notice you’re from Barcelona, and I’ll be visiting in April. I’ll only have two full days there, aside from half of two others (travel involved). Do you have any suggestions for food to try, neighborhoods to visit, or anything? Thanks for any thoughts!

  4. Baking with Sibella

    Hi Villy,
    Your visit to my blog brought me here! 🙂 Thanks for following! Just wanted to say Hi and Hello and tell you how I enjoyed reading your introduction. I find a lot of myself in your words! 🙂 I will be visiting often!

  5. girlinafoodfrenzy

    Bet your lab partners are happy they have you!!! What a fantastic story you have! I am so envious, not only a wonderful Grecian heritage but to live in Spain!!! I’ve yet to visit these fantastic places but I love to read of other peoples lives and adventures there 🙂 oh yes, and the food!!!

  6. annashortcakes

    Hi Villy! Thanks for following my blog. I have peeked through yours a bit and like what I see. It seems you and I cook/blog for very similar reasons. I love that the blogging world can bring together me in rural USA and you all the way across the ocean in Barcelona. Food friends are some of the best to have. I look forward to seeing your future posts. ~ A

  7. Sara

    Some of our best friends is a couple, a Vassiliki married to a Panagiotis. Too funny. It’s a good combination I guess! Nice to “meet” you!

  8. Jody and Ken

    Good luck! After my wife and I started our cooking blog a year ago, “Now you’ve let a dragon in the house! Good luck!” Meaning you’d always have something breathing fire down your neck. I look forward to checking back in for some delicious Greek food! Ken

  9. Lisa @ Greek Vegetarian

    Hi Villy, I just found your blog and so glad I did! It’s great to meet another Greek blogger. I’ll have to go through your archives, you have some wonderful recipes here. I’ve just spotted your cheese pie with home-made filo pastry post. I’ve never made filo myself but would love to try. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. laurasmess

    You and your husband are so, so gorgeous!! I share so many of your views on nourishing friends and family… plus, similarly, I’ve been writing my recipes on scraps of paper, envelopes and receipts for years! Haha. It’s great to have a place to archive recipes whilst also sharing them with the world! I’m excited to be following you… can’t wait to read more of your recipes and stories. Love from Australia! (P.S I love Barcelona… it’s been a few years since my last visit but the Gaudi artwork, food and weather is amazing) xx

  11. My Kitchen Moments

    Hi Villy, Stumbled upon your blog and found some wonderful recipes with good drool worthy photographs. Following you and looking forward to explore more of your recipes 🙂 Happy blogging!


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